Thursday, July 30, 2015

Abandoned Mustang Drive-In

Not far from where I live is an abandoned Drive-In, the Mustang Drive-In. About a month ago I finally made the trip out to see the Drive-In for myself after having seen a few Facebook albums posted by my friends. I was pretty excited about visiting the Drive-In and I felt pretty hardcore for going to an abandoned building. However, upon arriving I found out how trashed this little piece of history had become. In the photos my friends had taken it looked perfectly untouched and now trash was thrown about, vulgar words were scribbled onto the walls and windows were smashed which left it a little tricky to make my way around without slicing through a shoe. Although the Mustang Drive-In wasn't as beautiful and untouched as I hoped it to be, I was still able to snap a few great shots. I can't deny how much better it would have been seeing it untouched, but it was still quite the adventure and I did have fun, and that's what really counts in the end, right?

Below is some of the images I took while visiting. Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

☀ Best Movies I've seen this Summer ☀

I'm a bit of a nerd when it comes to movies. What exactly do I mean by "nerd" you ask? Well, before I continue with this post I'll try to give you better idea. For example: If we were ever to bump into each other in a public place (*insert your favourite place to dine*) or simply out in the streets (*insert the town you currently reside in*) and we happen to get into a conversation about movies, well you might not hear end of it. As I get excited about my favourites and recount all my favourite scenes, lines and actors I probably won't notice that you silently crept away a good 10 minutes ago. I'd probably still be laughing at all those great one liners I just said to myself, hoping for a little giggle from you, but you've already left (how rude!) No worries I don't hold a grudge, you were nice enough to endure I few minutes of that.

Movies are a big part of my life and if you were to tell me you don't enjoy movies, you might have to repeat yourself twice. I can honestly say I spend a great deal of time watching movies, sometimes purposely bad movies (and by bad I just mean bad acting, bad storyline, that kind of thing. wait what were you thinking?!) but most of the time I enjoy searching for critically acclaimed films, independent films, festival nominated/winning films, good ol'classics or something just out of the ordinary.

My favourite thing about finding a good movie is that feeling you get, the feeling of being sucked right in, you feel like you're right there with all the characters living it out, where emotions run high and the thrill of watching is off the charts. When a movie is like this I know it's going to be an instant classic in my books.

So to get on with the show, as the say in the film (does anyone actually say that in film?) let's get on with this post.

As follows is a list of the best movies I've watched this summer, some just hit theatres and some have been out for a number of years, but all of them I have watched over the past few months. They were definitely hard to rank (#1 being my very favourite, #10 the least, but still so much a favourite♥) because I truly love all the movies I included in this list. So as follows...


**Note I linked trailers of all the movies to their titles! Enjoy**





Friday, July 24, 2015

Playlist #1: Songs To Fill Your Little Heart With Joy

Music and songs give off certain feelings. Lately I find myself collecting songs that give me the same type of feeling. I like taking these songs and compiling them into a list so when I feel like getting into a certain mood or want to put a little soundtrack to my current mood, I can. This is essentially how playlists are put together anyway, so it's not like I found out some secret, but I maybe just found the knack in being able to do it, or at least I think so.

This playlist is officially the 1st playlist I have created myself without the help of my iPod and that handy little Genius playlist button. All the songs are ones that I have found/heard/forgot I knew and then found again over the past month or so, so it has been a work in progress.

The feeling of this playlist is songs that are relaxing, soft, fun, joyful and just make me smile, which I think is summed up pretty well in the title (Songs To Fill Your Little Heart With Joy.)

I have listed the songs in the order I feel like they fit best but by all means switch it up! I hope you enjoy my little playlist I created.

• Us → Regina Specktor
• New Soul → Yael Naim
• All I Want → Kodaline 
• The Way I Am → Ingrid Michealson
• Sun Shy → Dressses
• Love Song → Sara Bareilles
• Fool for Love → Lord Huron
• Skinny Genes → Eliza Doolittle
• The Show → Lenka

Follow this link to listen to the playlist: Songs To Fill Your Little Heart With Joy - Full Playlist

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Update on Spidey

So if you're anything like me you probably have already heard the news about the casting for the new Spiderman movie, which was announced a few weeks ago and to everyone's dismay (including myself) Tom Holland was chosen. Not that I have anything against Holland himself, I'm just disappointed that he was chosen to play Peter Parker/Spiderman, meaning no Miles Morales/Spiderman story. Holland who is 19 years old seems to give an idea on how the franchise may be going, as it seems that this time around it will be starting at the beginning of Peter's High School experience. One of my biggest issues I have with this decision is the fact that Miles Morales was announced to be the official new Spiderman mere weeks before. Another issue I have with the continuation of the Peter Parker story is that everyone already knows it, and as I said before in my last Spiderman post I'm really not interested in seeing the same story for a third time! To be honest I feel like the movie is going to be geared towards a younger audience, seeing as Holland is 19 and each time they do a reboot of the Spiderman movies the Peter they chose gets younger. The story of Peter Parker is also not as relevant as it was when it was originally written. The character of Peter Parker was suppose to be an outcast, a nerd, a loser and a bit of a loner. However people with the "Peter Parker" nerd esthetic are no longer outcasts or losers, they are the guys the girls want to date, instead of looking the other way. I just feel that these guys are now the cool guys, and it's just not how it use to be when the story was created. Therefore, now would be the perfect opportunity for a change, it's time for Miles Morales.


Sunday, July 12, 2015


Recently I have been putting some thought into what I really want my blog to be about and why I started it in the first place. I've realized that along the way of starting it a got a bit confused. Blogs are suppose to be an extension of yourself, a place where you can share your inner thoughts, and place where you can just be creative. I started this blog because I wanted to be creative, and try writing about things I care about. I know I'm not the best writer but I took a creative writing course in my final year of high-school and I loved it. I was inspired to continue this new found passion, by creating this blog. I quickly found a ton of bloggers that I loved everything about and I wanted to do what they did. Looking back on early posts I think I drew too much on others esthetics or what they wrote about. It didn't feel like it was me. I did posts that have probably been done a few hundred times (Example A, Example B) and it didn't feel new, it just felt boring. Come to think of it more than half of my posts are not me. Although I don't like most of these posts and I'm definitely not proud of them, I will keep them posted, as they will be a good reminder to do what I want and not what I think people expect from a blog. I hope that in the future, that the reason anyone may choose to read my blog is because it's different and entertaining not because it's like everyone else.

And so here it begins...

