Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Things you thought would happen as Teen

The other day someone asked me how old I was, and it always takes me a moment to remember and then swiftly answer "19." (For some reason I can never seem to remember how old I am, and then my birthday is back around and I need to remember a new number. The struggle!!)

Later that day my mom said to me "you're almost 20, and you will no longer be a teenager," which came to me as a bit of a shock. Although I could have easily realized this myself, it really hadn't crossed my mind. While I was trying to fall asleep that night the thought slipped back into my mind, as these things normally do. I continued to ponder on that one line my mom had said and I began to realize how many teenager-esc things I seemed to have missed out on. Although these are not life threatening and things could obviously be much worse, but it still sort of sucks.

I did however go to prom, but I was too scared to ask anyone and everyone I talked to was shocked I was even going (which I don't blame as the reason no one asked me, but still no one asked me, which in a way was a relief.) I have been to at least one high school party and have been once specifically invited to a party by someone (which is very rare for me), instead of just being dragged along by a friend, so I haven't missed out on everything. I seemed to have hit the major teenager-esc things off the list. Although I've been to parties I've never actually been drunk (I take too long to drink anything and then I get bored. I've been told shots would be better for me? Maybe? I haven't tried yet...) I've also never had a boyfriend or been on a date what-so-ever. I know for a fact these things are not uncommon for many, there's tons of girls and guys that haven't gone on a date that are going into their early 20s so it doesn't really bother me, it will happen when it happens and right now I'm happy.

To be honest I don't feel the need to rush and ask someone out just so I can say I went on a date before I'm 20. As things like this don't really matter in the big picture of things, they happen when they happen. There is no one way to live your life, so if you're like me and still haven't went on a date or missed some other teenage-esc experience that you expected to happen, don't feel like you're missing out, don't worry about it, it will happen when it should. Just know you're not the only one, you never are.


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